Horizon Communities Corp. is seeking to present "The Kyle McQuillen Institute of Grace, Readiness, and Reentry". We will be providing housing, employment, and training for those graduates of the Horizon program that are returning to society. Please join us in building a community patio section on the property in memory of Kyle and to show the community support for those exiting prison.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Nathan Schaidt
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on the bricks. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on the bricks. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
Replicas may only be ordered with purchase of full-size brick.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on the bricks. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
Replicas may only be ordered with purchase of full-size brick.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on the brick. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on the bricks. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
Replicas may only be ordered with purchase of full-size brick.
Horizon Communities Corp. reserves the right of refusal of any order found to be inappropriate or in violation of Horizon Communities Corp. directives or guidelines.