Braeburn Elementary School Brick Program
The Braeburn 60th Anniversary Committee is excited to offer you the opportunity to purchase personalized commemorative bricks to be set in pathways around the school property. Bricks will contain special messages chosen by you and are a great opportunity to congratulate students, alumnae or honor our awesome teachers and staff at Braeburn. The money raised will pay for the garden materials and supplies to lay the bricks, as well as playground enhancements. Bricks are on sale for a limited time, so sign up today to ensure your place in our 60th Anniversary celebration as we pave the way for another 60 years!
Sale ends on December 16!
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
Please only order additional bricks below if you have already completed the 2 brick section.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
Braeburn Elementary School reserves the right of refusal of any order found to be inappropriate or in violation of Braeburn Elementary School policies, directives or guidelines.